Monday, September 1, 2008

Week 11 - Red Soxs / Yankees & Bike Upgrades

I'm sure you are reading the title of this blog and wondering why I've put the Red Soxs and Yankees in the title and I'll tell you why later. Going into this week I knew that I was going to have a half day Friday for the Labor Day weekend and that Thursday I was going to be in New York for the Red Soxs and Yankees game at Yankee Stadium. Also, as part of this week I dropped my bike off at a fairly new bike shop in Peabody called Fitwerx. Fitwerx is where local elite triathlete Dean Phillips works and is co-owner of the Peabody shop. Anyway, I dropped it off for a basic tune up and also got a few new bike upgrades. While I had it at the shop I had them install a Chris King Headset and my new Ultegra SL brakes that I snagged off of eBay.
Since this week was short and crazy I missed quite a few workouts including Wednesday's bike, Thursdays Brick, and Friday's Long Swim and Long Bike. I was however able to get in a 4 hour, 80 mile bike ride in on Saturday, which was awesome, but very tiring.
So back to the Soxs / Yankees Game; every year our estimating department at work does an outing for team building. So this year we decided that we were going to go to the Yankees / Soxs game at Yankee Stadium since this is the last year of the old stadium. Thursday was an early morning since we had to catch the train at 7:00 AM in Westwood, which from N. Andover is a 45 min drive. We then caught the Acela train and took it to Penn Station. After arriving we made it to street level, grabbed a quick lunch and drinks and headed to the game. What a hot day to be sitting in the bleachers that day! Well to keep this short, the Soxs lost and I didn't get back till midnight and had to be at work on Friday, so needless to say Thursday and Friday were lost as far as my workouts go.
Week 12 is a Recovery / Taper week for which I'm suppose to be doing an Olympic this week, but since I couldn't find one I'm doing another Half Ironman in Narragansett, RI, the Firmman Half.

Here are this weeks total:
  • Swim - 4,048 yards
  • Bike - 93.05 miles
  • Run - 4.95 miles (YIKES!) I need to get my butt running!!!

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