Monday, April 7, 2008

Great Bay Half Marathon

Prior to race day, Jess and I decided to drive up Saturday and pickup my race number and then drive the race course. I wanted to drive the course because the topography map shown on the race site was set at such a huge scale it was hard to tell how hilly the race actually was, but I also wanted to mentally prepare myself for the race as well. Going into this race I wanted to see if a Personal Record (PR) was attainable.

With course map in hand, Jess and I started driving the course and at about mile 2.5 to mile 5 the course turned into a packed down sand/gravel road that was loaded with potholes. I was like you have to be kidding, we are running on this? So I stopped to check to see how bad it was to run on and it wasn’t that bad at all. We continued driving and miles 2.5 to 5 were rolling hills with nothing major that had some down hills. Once we got past mile 5 was right where the hills started. It started with a huge downhill into a little valley right to a good size hill right at mile 6 and mile 7. The good thing was that after each hill at mile 6 and 7 was that there was a flat section with little rolling hills, which made for a great recovery from the two hills. The great part of the race was going from miles 8 to 9 since it was mostly downhill. Once we reached mile 9 it was flat all the way to the home stretch with the exception of a small hill at mile 12.2 or so.

Jess and I arrived race day around 10am, which gave me an hour to the start of the race. I went for a about a 10 to 15 minute warm-up run and then came back and stretched out. While stretching out my shin splints were bothering me and I was still considering whether or not I was going to try and race in my racing flats or my regular training shoes. I ended up racing in my racing flats and right up to the start I was wondering how much of a good idea this was going to be since I’ve never run a half marathon in racing flats. Needless to say after stretching out I seemed to be okay. Right before the start I went for another 10 minute warm-up run to make sure I was ready to go and then headed for the Starting Line.
I lined up right on the Start Line since they started it a 6:00 minute per mile pace. My race strategy going into the race was not a PR because of the hills so I figured I’d still be around a 6:24 per mile pace. The first mile ended up being a 5:58 and it was comfortable. I was also surprised to find myself in the front pack of runners with the exception of two runners who were running the first couple of miles at about a 5:30 per mile pace. At mile 5 things started to thin out and left me with a pack of four runners. It was a great group that I ended up running with and we even ended up talking a little during the race. I stayed behind them because after mile 5 we were running into the wind. I figured, why should I spend my energy to break the wind when I could use them to do it. We ended up running as a pack of 4 right up to mile 12 and that was were everyone started to thin out and head for a strong finish. Since this race was my longest run of the season, I ended up hitting the wall right at the last small hill at about mile 12.2. It wasn’t till I looked at my watch at mile 13 did I realize I was about to set a PR for the half marathon. There was no sprint to the finish for me since my legs were so cramped, but needless to say I was happy when I finished with a time of 1:18.19, which is a 5:59 per mile pace. Once I got through the finish line chute it was great to see Jess smiling and saying, “You beat your old time and I got some great pictures of you!” I ended shattering my Half Marathon PR by 6 minutes! My previous PR for the Half Marathon was 1:24.16 (a 6:24 per mile pace) at the B.A.A Half Marathon that was held on October 7, 2007.

My time was good enough for a 6th place overall finish and I was 1st in my age group by about 9 minutes! After I finished I grabbed a bottle of water and a bottle of Accelerade. Accelerade has become my recovery drink of choice and I almost prefer this over Gatorade. After hitting the recovery tent, Jess and I headed for the gym so I could stretch out. The funniest part was when I entered the gym, the people that had been waiting for their loved ones and friends to finish thought I was the 1st place finisher and started clapping for me! It was great and I didn’t mention I was the 6th finisher. Hahaha! After stretching out we waited for the awards ceremony. The awards were great! I ended up getting a mug and inside was a gift certificate to Margarita’s Restaurant for 2 free dinner entrees and a 50% off gift certificate on any of the Loco Running shoes they offer. (Loco Running was the race organizer who also happens to make shoes and is a running club in NH.) Overall I ended up winning about $100 dollars in gift certificates, not bad for a $40 dollar registration fee!

Overall, I was thrilled, psyched and amazed that I was able to pull off such a great Half Marathon time with only 11 weeks of training under my belt. I can’t wait to see how I make out in my 2nd year of triathlon.

Here were my mile splits from the race:
1 – 5:58
2 – 6:03
3 – 6:00
4 – 6:03
5 – 5:54
6 – 5:55
7 – 5:45 (mostly downhill at this point)
8 – 6:04
9 – 5:54
10 – 5:54
11 – 5:54
12 – 5:57
13 – 6:14


Anonymous said...

Good job my little buddy! Your splits were great! You are lucky to have Jess supporting you. Good luck with the rest of the season.

Scott DeWire said...

Ellis...everybody knows you're on EPO, so don't bring all this "I don't know where this PR came from" noise...

Seriously though, fantastic race! I wish I could run a 1:18 on 15 miles a week! You are sick!