Friday, February 13, 2009

Injury Status & Update

It's been a long time since I've last posted and it's mostly due to the fact that I've been injured and trying to slowly get back to some sort of training. While being injured with a strained left adductor muscle I ended up with another injury, my illiopsoas muscle, which is a very small muscle than runs between the bottom of the abdominal wall and the hip flexor. It's basically a stabilizer muscle for the hip flexor and groin muscle. So needless to say I was just about ready to be done with PT and then I ended up with this injury. I still have about 4 appointments left for PT and I think I'm almost there. On top of the 1 PT appointment a week, I've been doing 2-3 yoga classes a week. This past week I tried Bikram Yoga, which is a hot yoga. The first class was a little tough to get use to since the room is 109 degrees, but the second class I was able to make it through the whole way without having to lay down or stop. I've found that this hot yoga absolutely drains me and the next day I find that I feel like I did a triathlon the day before.

On a good note, this week I was able to run once and swim twice even though it was only about 1,500 yards, but I guess that's better than nothing. Based on where I'm at now with my training, I'm not going to do the Great Bay Half Marathon, which is pretty unfortunate because this was a great race for me last year and I wanted to compare it against last years time and was hoping to improve my time. My current training plan has me starting my half iron training the week of Feb. 22nd, but that is still TBD depending on how my injury feels.