Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Week 9 - Ironman Training

The start of each training week I start off full of energy and then it tails off quickly as the week goes on and the workouts get longer. I wasn't able to get all my runs in this week, but as usual I did get in my swim and bike workouts in. The weekend was suppose to consist of a 4-1/2 hour bike ride, but was cut short because I was hoping to catch the group ride in the morning, but come to find out no one was there because there were so many people racing up in NH at Timberman. Since I had rushed out the door I grabbed everything, but my gels so the ride was cut short at 52 miles, which wasn't to bad, but I definitely need to get longer rides in. It wasn't a bad week, but I'm already looking forward to my recovery week.

Here are Week 9's totals:
  • Swim - 7,476 yards
  • Bike - 112.9 miles
  • Run - 12.1 miles

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