Sunday, August 10, 2008

Week 8 of Ironman Training - Recovery

It was hard to think of this week as a recovery week since the last 7 weeks have really been unproductive. The training plan called this week a recovery week so that's why I've labeled it as such. This was the first week I able to nail every single workout with the exception of 1 run. I was psyched to get in just about every workout considering the busy week I with work.

This weekends workouts were my best yet. Saturday consisted of a doing a brick, so I got up early to meet up with the Trifury Group ride. Even though where we ride from is only 1.5 miles from where Jess and I live now, I drove the car there so I could just throw my shoes on there and do the 5 mile run loop from the parking lot after my bike ride. I ended up doing 30.93 miles of biking with the group ride while averaging 21.7 mph and then ran 5 miles at a 6:57 pace. I can't say I was too disappointed with my run, but I wish I was a little faster. (I guess that's what 7 weeks with little to no running will do to you!) Sunday I was able to get in a nice 8 miler at a 6:25 pace, which was great! Oh and I forgot to mention that training here in North Andover is very, very hilly compared to Woburn. I've been going out for my runs lately and I wonder why I feel like I'm dying, then I remind myself that the first 2-3 miles of my runs were mostly up hill!

All and all here are this weeks totals:
  • Swim - 5,403 yards
  • Bike - 96.72 miles
  • Run - 17.98 miles

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