Sunday, March 9, 2008

Week 7 - Recap

Week 7 was my last week of 3 weeks of hard training and what a relief to be entering my second recovery week. I was absolutely tired come Friday. With those that are not familiar, my 20 week training plan is set up with a recovery week every 4th week, which essentially allows the body to recover from the previous hard weeks while still training but doing less miles, yards etc.

My bike time was down from what my training goal should be, but is up from last week which is good. The groin tightness has finally gone away and with 2 weeks left of Physical Therapy my IT band has finally been comfortable/tolerable to run on which has been great. If anyone hasn’t had an IT band injury, it’s more annoying than anything. The IT band starts at your lower back/butt and goes all the way down your leg. My trouble has been on the outside of my knee, which is where the friction point is of the IT Band. When the IT Band is tight it rubs on the bone of the knee causing some pain, but I also noticed that it shortened my stride a little not allowing me to run at my full potential. I can safely say that mine was caused from overtraining and not enough base mileage. As you may recall, this has been bothering me since October and back in October I was racing just about every weekend and hardly training during the week.

Here are my totals from Week 7 below:
  • Swim - 6,512 yards (3.7 miles)
  • Bike - 105 minutes
  • Run - 17.34 miles


Rebecca DeWire said...
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Scott DeWire said...

oops, sorry, used Becc'a account there for a sec...anyway...

You?? Overtrained??? Now that's a big friggen laugh!!! Just kidding, you know I love you.
Hillary Biscay says there's no such thing as overtraining, just that you hadn't trained enough to be training that hard, so maybe you're actually undertrained??
Here's th hoping your IT band heals fast. You and Widdy should get together with your danged ITBS issues. :)