Monday, February 25, 2008

Week 5 - Recap & Misc.

This was the first week back after a recovery week last week. Taking advantage of the holiday on Monday I was able to swim 1,800 yards and then go for a nice 10 mile run which I was able to run at a 6:35 pace. It helped that the weather was cooperating Monday with temps in the 50's! Then on Sunday, the last day of the week, I did a great brick workout with an hour on the trainer followed by a 3.22 mile run at a 6:14 pace. On Sunday March 2nd I have the Kelly's Pace 3 mile Hare Hop in CT. Also, this could be Jess's, my girlfriend, debut to road racing! I'll write a post race report on how this race goes and how everyone makes out. All and all it was a great week of training. Here are the totals for this week.

Week 5 Totals:
  • Swim - 6,094 yards
  • Bike - 2 hour 35 minutes
  • Run - 21.41 miles

As a side note to having Jess possibly running her first road race this weekend, she has been a huge supporter and believer in me with my training. Especially in the beginning of this training program I set up. I was ready to quite, but she was the one who told me you'll get through it because this is a goal you want to do. Sure enough she was right! It took some time to get use to the additional training that I wasn't use to and then on top of that having to manage the time we could see each other since we don't quite live together. So instead of seeing each other during the week sometimes and weekends like we use to we have gone to just seeing each other on the weekends. As you can imagine this has taken us sometime to adjust to. All and all I have to give her a lot of credit and I love having her on the sideline watching my races. She's been there for all my triathlons and duathlons cheering for me. So here is a huge thank you and I hope you'll be there for much more.

1 comment:

Scott DeWire said...

Great week buddy! Sounds like you've got a good partner in Jess. Never underestimate how valuable that is!