Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Past Few Weeks & Upcoming Training Plan

The past 3 weeks after Mooseman has been a great time to relax, spend a little more time with Jess and catch up with coworkers for a few drinks after work. The first week after Mooseman was great to really reflect on what I had just accomplished and how well I had really performed considering the weather. It took a few days for that to all sink in after I really analyzed the results and talked it over with my dad. I spend the first 5 days after the race doing absolutely nothing, which was a great reward, but looking back, I should have stretched a little each day. After 5 days of rest I decided to give swimming a try and only ended up swimming 550 yards and then on Saturday I decided to try a group ride with TriFury to only bike 24 miles at a 20 mph pace.

Well after a week of rest, 2 weeks post Mooseman, I was hoping to get back to a some what normal training level only to find that my muscles still had that deep fatigue feeling to them. So my totals for my second week post Mooseman consisted of swimming 4,638 yards and biking 59 miles with no running.

Three weeks after Mooseman and I finally feel like I'm back to normal with no deep fatigue in my legs muscles and I started to amp up my miles this week. The only problem I ran into was the crazy Thunderstorms we were having this week really hampered my efforts with the swimming so needless to say I was only able to get 2 swim days in this week. I still ended up taking 3 total rest days and working out 4 days, which wasn't to bad. My totals this week were 3,806 yards of swimming, 74 miles of biking and 5 miles of running.

So what's to come, you may ask? In the big scheme of things my main goal is to concentrate on training for my 1st Ironman Distance Race, Beach 2 Battleship in Wilmington, NC on November 1st. I've been using this Secret Book, that my friend Scott Dewire mentioned on his blog that he has just learned about. I was surprised to learn that he didn't have this book with as many books that he has on triathlons. The book was issued by Triathlete Magazine and authored by Matt Fitzgerald. The title of the book is Triathlete Magazine's Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide - Plans, Scheduling Tips and Workout Goals for Triathletes of All Levels. I found out about this book while skimming through their magazine before I even started training for my first half this year. Needless to say it was a great guide and it has training plans from Sprint Distance to Ironman Distance. For every distance of triathlon it also has different levels with a Level 1 plan being the easiest and Level 10 being the hardest. I ended up choosing a Level 4 for my First Half and I've now gone through and picked a plan for my First Ironman distance. After looking through the different levels of training to see where they all peak out for mileage I decided to go with a Level 6 training plan for B2B. I figured that with the base I have from the training for my half that I'll be able to train at a higher level.

This coming week I'll finally be looking to get on track for my Level 6 training plan for B2B since I only have about 18 weeks left.

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