Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 14 - Ironman Training

Week 14 was the week of the Firmman Half Ironman and as you may recall this was suppose to be a hard week of training, but because the Half was postponed to this week, I had to take an unscheduled Taper Week to prepare myself for this race. I ended up taking the advice from my friend, Scott DeWire and only had 2 swim workouts, 1 bike and 2 runs this week, which doesn't include race day. I wasn't sure what to do going into this week, hence why I took Scott's advice. He was saying that because this is only my 2nd time going this distance that it would be a good idea to take a Taper week and then get back to hard training for Beach 2 Battleship. Well, as you may have read about in my race report, it was a great race and an awesome PR for the 70.3 distance.

Here are the totals for Week 14:
  • Swim - 8,712 yards
  • Bike - 76.93 miles
  • Run - 21.48 miles

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